Ad Network Overview

Learn how to earn money with every send using Paved’s Ad Network. Automatically match your subscribers with relevant, targeted ads.

Updated over a week ago

The Ad Network allows you to put email newsletter sponsorships on autopilot.

All you need to do is insert a bit of code into your newsletter, which automatically displays an ad to subscribers based on their interests and demographics.

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Most publishers find this is an ideal way to fill spare slots not booked with a traditional email sponsorship. This works on a pay-per-click (PPC) basis, and you will receive payment monthly.

Your earnings on the Ad Network are influenced by how valuable your audience is to advertisers, as they will bid more to reach certain people (for example managers, marketers, or CEOs).

Read on for a quick overview of the Paved Ad Network.

How it Works

The Paved Ad Network: Subscribers and Targeting

Paved builds a profile for each subscriber using data from a variety of vendors. All data collection is run against a hashed email address. This means we never store information directly related to an email address. We do this to protect the publisher and subscriber’s privacy and comply with privacy laws.

When a user opens an email containing an ad unit from the Ad Network, Paved scans the network to see if the subscriber profile matches any advertiser targeting criteria. If there is a match, an ad loads instantly. If there is no match, the ad unit will appear invisible to the subscriber.

Targeting means that an ad only shows up if it’s relevant to a subscriber. This allows publishers to fill spare inventory and serve ads that are more likely to earn revenue.

Publisher Fees and Costs

There are no signup costs or hidden fees for publishers to participate in the Paved Ad Network. The platform also allows you to edit ad units or templates at no cost to you.

Average Payouts Per Click

To find out how much you can earn with every ad click, check out our website for the latest averages: View Average Payout Stats

Bids and PPC on the Ad Network

Like social media ads, the Ad Network operates on a PPC basis. Different from traditional sponsorships, advertisers do not pay a fixed fee to sponsor a single newsletter, but rather pay many newsletters small amounts to reach a portion of their audience.

The more sought-after or niche an audience, the higher the PPC needed to reach that audience. Paved uses a bidding structure to assign priority to advertisers. The higher the bid, the more likely an ad will beat out the competition. This creates a competitive marketplace and ensures you will always receive the maximum earnings for each subscriber on your list.

How advertisers book an ad on the Ad Network:

  1. Select a target audience using demographics and interests

  2. Write ad copy and upload a creative or logo

  3. Make a bid based on what they are willing to pay per click (PPC)

  4. Set a daily budget, bid level, and campaign run dates

  5. Ad is automatically inserted into newsletters with subscribers matching the target

Get Started on the Ad Network

Want to earn money with every send, automatically? Sign up for Paved and check out our guide for installing an Ad Network placement in your newsletter.

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