Explore The Paved Ad Network

Learn the basics of programmatic advertising on the Paved Ad Network

Updated over a week ago

The Paved Ad Network is similar to advertising on social media (like Facebook or Twitter) but across email newsletters. Ads are targeted based on newsletter subscribers' interests, demographics, and other data points.

Targeting means that an ad only shows up if it’s relevant to a subscriber. To maximize performance, having a combination of Paved Marketplace campaigns and Paved Ad Network buys ensures the highest likelihood of engaging your audience.

Paved Targeting and Technology

The Paved Ad Network operates using programmatic advertising technology, similar to what is used for targeted website banner ads. But these ads are not served in a banner image format; they are served as native ads that match the look and feel of each newsletter.

To perform the targeting, Paved builds a profile for each subscriber using data from a variety of sources. All data collection is run against a hashed email address. This means we never store information directly related to an email address. We do this to protect the newsletter subscriber’s privacy and comply with privacy laws.

When a subscriber opens an email newsletter containing an ad unit from the Paved Ad Network, Paved automatically scans to see if that subscriber profile matches any targeting criteria. If they do, the ad loads instantly. If they do not, the ad unit will appear invisible to the subscriber.

Ad Network Business Model

Like social media ads, the Ad Network operates on a pay-per-click basis. This is different from the Paved Marketplace where you pay a fixed fee to get a premium placement and 100% share of voice in a single newsletter; in the Ad Network, you are paying many newsletters small amounts to reach a portion of their audience.

The more sought-after or niche an audience, the higher the cost per click (CPC). Paved uses a bidding structure to assign priority. The higher your bid, the more likely your ad will beat out competitors.

Ad Network Pricing

For advertisers, there are no fees to use the Ad Network.

Your pricing is based on how much you are willing to pay per click to your ad. You enter this information when you set your budget in the ad creation process.

Learn More

To learn more about the Ad Network, check out these guides:

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