Use 3rd Party Tracking

Learn what types of tag management system (TMS) tools are compatible with the Paved Pixel.

Updated over a week ago

To track events in your email sponsorship campaigns, you can use the Paved pixel in a tag management system (TMS), including:

Set up tracking with a tag manager:

As an example, we’ll demonstrate this via Google Tag Manager, but the steps remain fairly consistent for any TMS (Segment, Mixpanel, etc.).

In Google Tag Manager, here's how to add the Paved pixel as a custom HTML tag:

1) Add a new tag

2) Set up your triggers

  • Decide what actions will trigger the tag to fire (like events, pageviews, signups, etc.)

  • Next, select the pages you want to track.

3) Configure the tag

  • In a new browser tab or window, grab your Conversion Pixel code from Paved↗️.

  • Then, navigate back to Google Tag Manager, and paste the Paved pixel into the HTML code box.

  • After that, all you need to do is save, test your tag, and publish it whenever you're ready.

For step-by-step instructions on custom tag installation in GTM, we recommend this video from MeasureSchool:

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