About Sponsored Posts

Learn what a sponsored blog post is, plus get best practices on running this type of campaign in the Paved Marketplace.

Updated over a week ago

A sponsored post is a blog post that is published on a publisher’s blog on behalf of an advertising partner.

The content of the post is generally created by the publisher in consultation with the advertising partner and may include promotion via social media and email newsletter, depending on the publisher.

Excerpts of ImageKit's sponsored post on Codeburst.io's blog

Best Practices for Sponsored Posts

A sponsored post is a blog post hosted on a publisher’s website that links back to your company and/or product that you are promoting. When done right, a sponsored post will pay off for 3+ years. The post will send you a steady stream of qualified traffic over time.

Tip #1:

To make the most of a sponsored post, we recommend you focus on evergreen topics. Topics based on current events will only result in a short-term boost.

Tip #2:

Consider article titles starting with “How To” or “Why” phrases. These terms are often typed into Google by users looking for a solution to their problem.

Tip #3:

Don’t underestimate the power of sharing/promoting a sponsored post. If your article receives lots of attention from users, it has a better chance of making it into the top 3 search results for a particular topic.

Tip #4:

Be helpful and genuine. Sponsored posts are not meant to be thinly veiled advertisements. Readers pick up on overselling and lose interest instantly. Rather try to solve a problem and provide a unique solution.

Writing Tips

At Paved, we believe sponsored posts are a great way to enhance an advertiser’s awareness, gaining deep and meaningful connections with your subscribers/audience.

We’ve pulled together a checklist of items that could help when writing a blog post for a brand:

  1. Ensure the blog post/article is at least 500 words

  2. Add at least 1-2 links back to the advertiser’s website

  3. Include a highlight / USP of the article's service/product the advertiser is promoting.

  4. Include images throughout the article, where appropriate, and don't forget alt text.

  5. Ensure you have at least two subheadings in the article.

  6. Check your article for typos.

  7. No plagiarism - we will check every post.

  8. Check your headline’s performance using this headline analyzer.

Note: Dofollow links aren't recommended in sponsored posts.

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